Eclipse for Projects

Eclipse brings a tonne of value to launching projects. Here are just a few ways that your project can benefit from launching with Eclipse:

Marketing Support

This is a powerful proposition, even for projects who might already have their own marketing teams or agencies. The launchpad offers a hands-on experience for its community and yours to learn about your project. This means projects have good traction and focus going into launch.

Initial community bootstrapping

This is the most important piece: Customers from day 1. This enables a project to launch and acquire a whole base of users in one hit, who have invested so have skin in the game to get involved and help to promote. It also enables an expansion of reach, as a launchpad such as Eclipse can draw users and communities in from far and wide.

Fundraising Project Liquidity

Building and scaling decentralised applications and chains is expensive and runway is very important for projects to survive and thrive especially in a bear market. Eclipse Pad helps projects raise additional funds to build out their vision.

Token Distribution & Liquidity Deployment

Eclipse Pad helps projects distribute their token from genesis through vesting contracts and liquidity pooling. This will all be timed strategically to help ensure a smooth launch.

We’re working on models to help projects more easily seed their launch liquidity pools without needing to provide a large amount of liquidity upfront.

Introductions to Exchanges, Institutions, and VCs

Eclipse Pad accelerator participants gain strategic exposure and introductions to market makers, large investors, and exchanges. Apply for the accelerator here.

Last updated